Pennsylvania is blessed with an abundance of rivers and streams that crisscross our communities, supply millions with clean drinking water, and create a robust outdoor recreational economy. Unfortunately, even the smallest of these streams is not only threatened by pollution these days, and through severe erosion, they are now in turn threatening homes and businesses with powerful flooding. Riparian buffers are an important part of the solution: the wider and more diversely planted a riparian buffer is, the more likely it will serve as an effective natural filter and provide for more stabilized streambanks, thereby reducing erosion and flooding due to stronger root systems. Buffers provide cooler water temperatures, resulting in an increase of oxygen, habitat, and food for fish and other aquatic life. Riparian buffers also provide many of Pennsylvania’s native animals with food, shelter, and travel corridors.

In an effort to ensure that bodies of water are adequately protected, particularly during land development projects, I will be introducing legislation that would provide for a minimum 100- foot riparian buffer along each side of a surface body of water and a minimum 300-foot buffer if located along streams that have been designated as High Quality or Exceptional Value. In addition, this legislation would also authorize municipalities to adopt regulations applicable to riparian buffers and would provide additional powers and duties to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the enforcement of related regulations.
As state representatives, it is our responsibility to ensure that Pennsylvania’s water sources are protected for both present and future residents. By increasing protections for riparian buffers, we can work to ensure that our environment stays beautiful for generations to come.
Please join me in protecting Pennsylvania’s riparian buffers, the surrounding land and wildlife, and the nearby communities by supporting this important legislation.