Education Opportunity Accounts for Military Families  
In the near future, we plan to re-introduce legislation
(SB263 LAST SESSION) that will create Educational Opportunity Accounts (EOA) for military families.
All children – especially those whose parents are serving our country – deserve an excellent
education. We believe parents know best and should choose the education that best suits their
child. Military families face unique challenges when it comes to education, as these families
are often relocated.
Military EOAs help combat uncertainty and provide for a more stable learning environment where the parent is empowered to choose the best learning option for their child.
EOAs are restricted use accounts, funded by a percentage of the existing state per pupil education subsidy. The accounts can be used for a variety of education-related expenses, including:
- Tuition
- Tutoring
- Textbooks and curriculum
- Testing related fees
Military family EOAs will be available to children residing in Pennsylvania whose parent or
guardian is on full-time active duty in the US Armed Forces, a member of the National Guard
and reserve on active duty or was killed in the line of duty.
Last Session this Legislation was co-sponsored by Senators Robinson, Rothman, Stefano, and J. Ward.
Please join us in supporting military families by co-sponsoring this important piece of legislation.