In the near future I plan to introduce legislation to allow both oversized and overweight loads to operate under a permit 24 hours a day.

Currently, oversize and overweight loads are not permitted to be operated from sunset to sunrise, with minor exceptions. Truckers who regularly handle oversized loads have shared concerns regarding traffic volume on Pennsylvania’s highways during the day. They believe it to be much safer to operate oversize loads at night, away from traffic and the increased probability of an accident during daytime hours.

These restrictions often unavoidably place oversized loads in morning rush hour traffic, increasing the chance of accidents. They also lead to needless delays in deliveries, which has a trickledown effect on the businesses and enterprises that are counting on timely delivery.

With the advent of new and increased lighting, the inclusion of pilot and trailing cars, as well as increased safety measures in tractor trailers and on highways themselves, the sunset to sunrise restriction is both arbitrary and antiquated. Oversized loads are well equipped to be operated during nighttime hours when there is less traffic and the risk of a traffic-related accident is significantly decreased.

Currently, when an oversized load is required to move in an area between 3 a.m. and sunrise in urban areas, the load and the vehicle are required to be illuminated with additional lighting on all sides, to be visible in all directions, while also being required to be accompanied by a pilot car. This being the case, there is no reason to continue to place restrictive burdens on truckers by prohibiting them from operating from sunset to sunrise throughout the Commonwealth.

My legislation will allow both oversized and overweight loads to be operated 24 hours a day in the Commonwealth while maintaining the requirement to obtain a permit in advance.

I urge you join me in co-sponsoring this legislation that will provide truckers the ability to operate oversized and overweight loads when there is less traffic, and help their customers maintain efficient and reliable project timelines.