In the near future, I intend to re-introduce legislation (HB 1266 2023-24 Session) that will reduce the overall amount of summary traffic offense citations. Currently, minor traffic citations can reach upwards of $150 due to added fees and surcharges. A traffic violation should send a clear message to the offender that what they did was wrong, and deter similar actions in the future; however, the Commonwealth should not be in the business of excessively penalizing drivers to the point of financial hardship.
Therefore, my legislation will eliminate the $22 Judicial Computer Project (J.C.P) fee, as well as the $45 surcharge for summary traffic offenses under Title 75. On average, this will reduce these traffic citations by an estimated $67. It is beyond time for Pennsylvania to treat simple traffic violations with equal and measured fines.
I ask that you join me in co-sponsoring this important legislation.