Please join me in supporting legislation that will clarify PennDOT guidance regarding the use of Antique, Classic and Vintage tags when transporting people or property to a permitted use activity. Current guidance issued by PennDOT prohibits transporting property or people. A permitted use activity is defined as participating in club activities, exhibits, tours, parades, occasional transportation and similar uses. 
After a Lebanon County resident contacted me expressing confusion about the broad language, I decided to introduce clarifying language to ensure these treasured antique, classic, vintage, collectible or historic military vehicles continue participating in community events. My legislation would allow a person who is operating a  vehicle with an antique, classic, vintage, collectible or historic military vehicle plate to transport people or property to a location, activity or event permitted under the Vehicle Code provided that such person does not receive compensation or anything of value in return. 
Please join me in sponsoring this legislation to clarify current PennDOT guidance.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0324: 75-1340