In the near future, I plan to re-introduce legislation to expand the existing Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance (SGLI) to National Guard personnel activated for federal duty status for more than 30 days. Last session, HB 424 passed the House unanimously.
In 2006, the General Assembly passed Act 105, which increased the maximum coverage amount a member of the PA National Guard could purchase to $400,000 under the voluntary group life insurance program.  Act 105 amended Section 3105 of Title 51 (Military Affairs), which authorizes the Adjutant General of the Commonwealth of PA to approve the issuance of group life insurance to nonprofit membership associations for members of the Pennsylvania National Guard and their families.  
These policies are paid for by National Guard members or their spouses or dependents. Under existing law, the group life insurance premiums are applicable to the following duty statuses:
- Federal activation for a period of 30 or more consecutive days for periods before, during or after deployment for combat operations or to combat areas (Title 10 orders).
  - State activation for active state duty for emergencies within the state in which the Governor activates the PA Guard or under the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), in which the Governor of PA authorizes the PA Guard to assist another member state of the compact with an emergency, such as flooding.
My proposal will address a shortcoming in the type of active duty not currently covered under Title 51.  My legislation will specifically address federal activation under Title 32 orders; whereby, the PA Guard is called up by the President to respond to or assist with an emergency in another state or federal jurisdiction, such as the recent activation of the Guard for the security of Washington DC.
Please consider joining me in sponsoring this important legislation to ensure full life insurance coverage opportunity for the men and women of our PA National Guard who selflessly serve this great Commonwealth and country.