Term Limits for Members of the PA Supreme Court, Superior Court or Commonwealth Court In the near future, I will re-introduce
(SB 234 from last session) a joint resolution to amend Article V (the Judiciary) of the Pennsylvania Constitution.
Under the existing provisions of the Pennsylvania Constitution, judges and justices are not subject to term limits and may hold office until the end of the year in which such judge or justice turns 75 years of age.
The amendment would limit a justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Superior Court or Commonwealth Court to serve only two 10-year terms. The amendment would also limit a justice of municipal court in Philadelphia and justices of the peace to serve three 6-year terms.
This language also takes into consideration justices who may have already served two terms in office by allowing them to complete their current term.
Please join me in co-sponsoring this legislation to bring much needed change and accountability to the Pennsylvania Judicial System.
If you have any questions concerning this legislation, please contact Donald Beishl in my office at