In the near future, I plan on re-introducing legislation
( SB 133 last session) that provides protections to employees that report waste, fraud, and abuse as it is vital to holding all branches of our state government accountable.
PA’s Whistle-Blower Law remains vague as to whether or not employees of the Judiciary branch are covered under current statute.
It’s imperative that we include all of the Commonwealth’s judicial system as a public body under the Whistle-Blower Law.  For this reason, I plan on introducing legislation that amends it to clearly indicate that the following public bodies are covered under the law:
- Supreme, Superior, and Commonwealth Courts
- Court of common pleas, minor judiciary, or other bodies in the judicial branch of State government.
As legislators, we must be committed to ensuring protection is afforded to all employees when adhering to the checks and balances of our state.
My desire is that you will join me as a co-sponsor for this important legislation to ensure that an action of integrity and honor are protected for ALL employees of our government.  
Co-Sponsors last session were Senators Costa and Stefano  
If you have any questions regarding this bill, please contact Donald Beishl
in my office at