Soon, we will introduce legislation to update outdated language in two of Pennsylvania’s insurance laws.
Currently, the Insurance Company Law of 1921 and the Medical Foods Coverage Act refer to “physical handicaps” and “mental retardation.” While these terms were in common use when the respective laws were enacted, disability advocates recommend replacing these stigma-laden phrases with “physical disability” and “intellectual disability.”
The General Assembly has previously passed laws to replace “handicap” with “disability” and to replace “mental retardation” with “intellectual disability.”  Pennsylvania’s insurance laws have not been updated.
That’s why we will be introducing legislation to revise this verbiage. Please join us in supporting our disability communities by supporting this legislation and removing the hurtful vestiges of these words from Pennsylvania’s insurance laws.
Document #1
This legislation, sponsored by Representative Perry Warren, updates the Medical Foods Insurance Coverage Act.
Document #2
This legislation, sponsored by Representative Tina Pickett, updates the Insurance Company Law of 1921.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0148: P.L.1492, No.191