In the near future, we will be introducing legislation designed to ensure that requirements under our state’s Health Care Facilities Act apply to all health care providers who receive state funding for pregnancy-related services.
Under this legislation, state-funded providers of pregnancy-related services would be required to meet certain health care and patient safety standards in the Act.  In addition, when using Commonwealth funds for advertising, providers would be required to comply with our state’s Taxpayer-Funded Advertising Transparency Act.  Providers would also be prohibited from using state funds to convey false or misleading information in the provision or advertisement of services.
With Pennsylvania’s maternal mortality rate on the rise, we believe it is our legislative responsibility to ensure that those who are pregnant receive the highest level of care possible.  Prenatal and postpartum services are vitally important to the outcomes of pregnancies and should be subject to stringent health and safety requirements from qualified professionals.
Please join us in support of this legislation aimed at guaranteeing that all people seeking family planning support, especially our most vulnerable populations, are given the care they deserve.