Tragically, as a result of domestic violence, 119 individuals lost their lives in 2023. Furthermore, according to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, in the last 10 years, more than 1,500 people have died from domestic violence-related incidents in Pennsylvania. Those killed included women, children, and men of all ages, races, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic groups.
To address this issue, I plan to introduce legislation that would allow judges to order a protection from abuse (PFA) defendant to wear an electronic monitoring device if they are found to present a substantial risk of violating their PFA order. If a survivor of domestic abuse bravely takes on the process to obtain a PFA, the state must do its part to ensure that the PFA is not violated. 
Tragic deaths that occur as a result of a violation of a PFA must be addressed. Survivors of abuse should not have to live in fear as they wait for a court date. Without this commonsense legislation, unfortunately, some survivors may not live to have their day in court. 
Please join me in further preventing senseless trauma and violence at the hands of dangerous abusers.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0083: 23-6102(a)