Young Pennsylvanians need a plan to ensure a successful summer. Otherwise, with limited options, unfocused goals and no plan, they could easily make mistakes that could have lifelong implications. If we can build a network where young people can work and contribute, learn the value of hard work and how to be a professional while putting some money in their pockets, we can help them avoid bad choices.
With this in mind, my bill would create a grant program designed to encourage employers to hire youths for summer employment opportunities. The grant would award $5,000 to employers employing 10 to 20 youths and $10,000 for employers employing over 20 youths. An additional grant would be available to employers who employ young people from historically disadvantaged areas. The Department of Labor & Industry would also be required to create a website to serve as a clearinghouse for available summer job opportunities across the Commonwealth.
Please join me in providing new opportunities to Pennsylvania youths with a rewarding summer experience that sets them on the path to a successful future.