A Congressional subcommittee report released in February of 2020 showed that high levels of toxic heavy metals have been identified in baby foods sold in the United States.  
Internal documents and test results from seven of the largest baby food manufacturers located in the United States were requested by Congress, but only four of the largest manufacturers cooperated with the investigation. Internal documents and test results of the four cooperating manufacturers revealed that their baby food products contain alarming levels of the following toxic heavy metals: arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. Exposure to these metals can impact neurological developmental and brain function, causing a permanent decrease in IQ levels, a diminished future of economic productivity, and an increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behaviors.  
We should be taking every precaution necessary to protect Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable residents, our children. Therefore, I will be introducing legislation that would require that the Pennsylvania Department of Health test a representative sample of each batch of baby food manufactured in the Commonwealth for the presence of toxic heavy metals. Furthermore, all baby food products that have been tested would be required to be affixed with a label noting the levels of inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury, and other toxic heavy metals found in the representative samples.  
Please join me in sponsoring this important legislation to better ensure the health and safety of Pennsylvania’s children.