In the near future, I will be introducing legislation that aims to clarify the jurisdictional boundaries within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania regarding certain international organizations.
By explicitly stating that the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and World Economic Forum (WEF) shall have no jurisdiction or power within the Commonwealth, my legislation aims to safeguard the state's sovereignty and autonomy while recognizing the importance of global cooperation.
If enacted, any rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate issued by the WHO, UN, or WEF may not be enforced or implemented by any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity, municipality, or other political entity within Pennsylvania.
We learned during the pandemic that even statewide authority can paint with too broad a brush and may not be the most appropriate method of governance in certain situations. The people of Pennsylvania ratified this idea by constitutionally reducing our governor’s emergency powers.
Policymakers at international organizations hold no allegiance to, and are not bound by, our state constitution and its particular guarantees of individual rights. My legislation will ensure the rights of Pennsylvanians will remain protected in the Commonwealth when international organizations attempt to set them aside or reduce them to mere privileges.
I kindly request your support as a cosponsor for this bill which will uphold Pennsylvania’s independence and ensure that decisions made by international organizations do not supersede our own laws and policies. I look forward to working together to protect our state’s interests.

Statutes/Laws affected:
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