A common practice among conventional drillers in Pennsylvania is to use oil and gas wastewater, also known as production brine, on roadways for dust suppression, road stabilization and ice prevention.  However, production brine contains toxic chemicals and has negative impacts to public health and the environment.  A recent study from Penn State found that production brine spreading exposes groundwater, soil, and air to contaminants like metals, salts, and radioactive materials, specifically radium.
My bill would amend Act 97 of 1980 (Solid Waste Management Act) by prohibiting the spreading of production brine on all land, developed or undeveloped.  It would also prohibit wastewater transport vehicles from having brine spreading equipment installed on the vehicle.  These provisions would help stop the spread of harmful and toxic contaminants.  This bill was introduced last session as HB 2384.
Please join me in protecting the land and water of this Commonwealth, as well as the health of our constituents, by co-sponsoring this legislation.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0038: P.L.380, No.97