Originating in ancient Rome, ear cropping was first used to prevent injury to the ears of hunting, working, or fighting dogs. Today, most ear cropping surgeries are performed on puppies destined for the show arena or as a medical intervention to lower their risk of ear infections. An intense procedure, ear cropping requires anesthesia and weeks of aftercare by the owner. While current law requires it to be done by a licensed veterinarian, some individuals ignore this, forcing their dogs to go through dangerous, illegal ear cropping.
My legislation aims to protect our furry friends by increasing the penalty for ear cropping if it is not done by a properly licensed veterinarian. This would increase the penalty from a simple summary offense to a third-degree misdemeanor, with subsequent offenses constituting a second-degree misdemeanor.
Improperly done ear-cropping can cause severe pain and infection, an abuse that must be taken seriously. Increasing the penalties for not having a dog’s ears cropped safely by a veterinarian as required by current law will show those who wish to skirt the law that we will not stand down. Please join me in supporting the safety and well-being of our four-legged family members.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0616: 18-5533(b)