In the near future, I plan to introduce legislation that will allow Pennsylvania’s community colleges to offer four-year Bachelor of Science degrees in nursing programs.
Currently, a community college may offer no higher a degree than an Associate Degree under the Public School Code of 1949.  As a result, a student seeking a Baccalaureate Degree must enroll in a college or university that may have cost-prohibitive tuition rates or may be located far from the student’s home, forcing the student to pay for costly room and board or interfering with the student’s family responsibilities.  Such barriers may block many qualified students from achieving their educational goals.
Additionally, Pennsylvania is facing a severe shortage of registered nurses.  The shortage, which has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is impacting our local hospital and medical care providers and leaving many unable to fill open positions.
By allowing community colleges to offer Bachelor of Science degrees in nursing programs, my legislation will expand affordable nursing education opportunities for Pennsylvania students and help to combat the current shortage of registered nurses.
Please join me in cosponsoring this legislation.
Previous co-sponsors were Senators Langerholc, Costa, Dillon, Bartolotta, Pennycuick, Baker, J. Ward, and Dush.