The Property Tax Rent Rebate (PTRR) program was established in 1971 to assist Pennsylvania’s low-income senior citizens, widows and widowers ages 50 and older, and permanently disabled citizens ages 18 and old. Many Pennsylvanians living on fixed incomes depend on the PTTR program to stay in their homes. While we passed historic reforms to the PTRR program with Act 7 of 2023 that will increase qualifying household income limits each year, it is still possible that some applicants receiving social security income could be left a just few dollars over the income thresholds due to a social security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA). 
My legislation would amend the definition of “income” in the Taxpayer Relief Act to permanently retain eligibility for households whose income limit is exceeded solely due to a Social Security COLA. By excluding these COLA increases from the definition of “income,” worthy Pennsylvanians would remain eligible for PTTR assistance. 
Please join me in co-sponsoring this important legislation to provide our neighbors the added assistance they deserve.