In the near future, I will reintroduce SB327 from the previous session which will create a 10-year statute of limitations on parking violations and red-light camera violations in the city of the first class. 
The Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA) does not currently have a statute of limitations on violations it enforces, including parking tickets and red-light camera violations. 
It was brought to my attention that a resident of Philadelphia awakened one day to see a yellow boot on her car. This boot was the result of several unpaid parking tickets from an old car--dating back to 1993. To make matters worse, this Philadelphia resident claims she never received a notice. This is an issue that affects anyone who may live in, work in, or visit Philadelphia. 
Too many Philadelphians are receiving unexpected fees, and experiencing vehicle “booting” for old unpaid parking tickets. 
Please join me in co-sponsoring this legislation.