Currently, Act 28 of 2006, the Water Services Act, requires a third-class city with a population less than 30,000 to seek approval of 75% of the municipalities they serve before the city sells their water system, sewer system, or authority. This law was adopted to ensure that ratepayers are not pawns during the sale of a municipal authority, being sold to the highest bidder. 
However, this act needs to be updated. My bill will amend Act 28 to require third-class cities that have adopted a home rule charter to obtain approval from 75% of the municipalities receiving water and wastewater from the authority. It further removes the population requirement. Water and sewer systems are being sold in larger cities and these sales are having greater and greater effects. We need to ensure that the ratepayers in the city and outside of the city who receive services from these systems have a voice in this process. Otherwise, we are looking at dramatically increased water and sewer bills, decreased services, and infrastructure that still needs improvements and upgrades. 
Please join us as we update the Water Services Act and make needed changes to give ratepayers and their elected officials a voice when their water or sewer provider is up for sale.