In the near future, we plan to re-introduce SB 1316, legislation that will award a monetary bonus to Veterans of the Global War on Terror (GWOT) – which includes Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF).

Pennsylvania has a long and proud history of recognizing the service and sacrifice of our veterans. We support those serving our country over an important time spectrum; as an individual service member while enlisted, as a family during deployment, and as a veteran once honorably discharged from the military. One unique, historical recognition has been the granting of a monetary bonus for service during an active theater of war. Our Commonwealth has made this acknowledgment following service in the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War. It is one more way to express our gratitude for the sacrifices made during armed conflict.

With the conclusion of the Global War on Terror, it is appropriate for Pennsylvania to again remember and salute the sacrifice of our service members who selflessly worked to protect us during this very uncertain and dangerous time. As was the case with previous awards, the GWOT Bonus would be available to all qualified veterans who were Pennsylvania residents at the time of their service and are current residents. This proposal will provide a flat-rate bonus to those who served as well as a larger bonus if the service member was a POW or to the surviving family if the service member was KIA. By locating veterans to award the bonus, there will then be a better opportunity to connect veterans with additional programs and services at the state and federal level.

Last Session, SB 1316 was sponsored by Senators Mastriano, Baker, Aument, Pennycuick, Bartolotta, Culver, Miller, and J. Ward. The bill was unanimously reported by the Senate Veterans Affairs & Emergency Preparedness Committee and is supported by the PA War Veterans Council – made up of our state Veterans’ Service Organizations like the American Legion and VFW.

Please join us in thanking our Veterans of the Global War on Terror.