In a time of low trust in the government, we must take action to ensure our deliberative institutions are responsive to the people they serve. Too often once a candidate is elected to Congress, the incumbency advantage they inherit is too much to overcome to allow for truly competitive elections. And, as we’ve seen in recent years, appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court have become politicized and retirements from these lifetime positions have been timed to advantage one side or the other.
I will soon be introducing a resolution to apply for an Article V Convention to impose term limits on Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court. For an Article V Convention to take place two-thirds (34) of states must apply to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution on the same issue. My resolution will function as two separate and distinct applications to Congress calling for a Convention of States under Article V of the U.S. Constitution that would restrict the convention to only consider amendments that: 
  Our democracy works best when we put people ahead of politics. Imposing term limits would enhance access to the electoral and judicial process, increase competition among candidates, reduce special interest influence, and restore rotations in Congressional seats and U.S. Supreme Court appointments.
Please consider joining me in support of holding a national convention to propose term limits by signing on as a co-sponsor of this resolution.