In the near future, I will be introducing a bill that will give motor vehicle owners the same amount of time as commercial vehicle owners to correct inspection violations and ensure the vehicle is in proper repair.

Under current statute, if a police officer or qualified Commonwealth employee determines that a motor vehicle is operating in an unsafe manner, they may submit a written notice to the motor vehicle owner, requiring them to correct the violations. Currently, motor vehicle owners have five (5) days from the date of the notice to complete the necessary inspections, repairs, etc., and submit proof of the same to the police officer or qualified Commonwealth employee.

With my proposed legislation, Pennsylvania drivers will have fifteen (15) days to comply with the written notice.

Many state inspection facilities are experiencing labor shortages and are unable to schedule vehicles for routine inspections in the five-day window under current law.  As prices continue to rise, Pennsylvanians are struggling to make ends meet.  Allowing our constituents some extra time to ensure their cars are safe and compliant with state law is good governance.

I hope you join me in cosponsoring this legislation.