In the near future, I plan to reintroduce legislation amending the Cosmetology Law of 1933 to provide for an expedited pathway for licensed cosmetology salons to remain open for business when a change of location occurs. 
Currently in Pennsylvania, a cosmetology salon license is valid only for the location stated on the license, and a salon owner who wishes to change its location—or needs to change location-- is required to submit an application to the State Board of Cosmetology.  As per regulations by the State Board of Cosmetology, a new license may not be issued until a salon has been inspected by an inspector for compliance with facility requirements.
Unfortunately, applicants experience lengthy application processing times and often times a salon inspection does not occur for weeks or months.  Small business owners cannot afford these unnecessary delays.  My legislation attempts to address this issue by amending the Cosmetology Law to require the State Board of Cosmetology to immediately approve a change of salon location application so long as such salon holds an existing salon license, has not been found by the board to have committed a past violation and provides the necessary information to the board. Inspections will also be required to be performed within 10 days of the board’s approval of an application.
I invite you to cosponsor this important legislation.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0048: P.L.242, No.86