Along with my proposed resolution directing the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to study the feasibility and potential benefits of the development of offshore renewable energy generation systems in Lake Erie (available at:, I am reintroducing legislation that would allow certain areas of the bed of Lake Erie to be leased by the Commonwealth for the development of hydropower, solar, and wind energy generation systems.

The legislation would require DEP to consult with DGS, DCNR, the Fish and Boat Commission, and the Game Commission in developing the map for the areas of Lake Erie that could be used for this purpose. Further, the area to be used for this purpose would be required to avoid nearshore areas, shipping lanes, and areas of Lake Erie and pathways where migratory bird species are concentrated. 
Under the legislation, qualified lessees would be able to lease certain identified submerged lands for energy development projects in return for royalty payments to the Commonwealth.  
Please join me in supporting this legislation that will help to grow our economy, aid in the creation of family-sustaining jobs, and promote the development of clean energy sources.