In the near future I will be introducing a joint resolution to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to end no-excuse mail-in voting.

Simply put, this constitutional amendment – if approved by voters – would revert our elections back to what they were prior to Act 77 of 2019 by mandating in-person voting, with the exception of absentee voting as already provided for in Article VII. 
I have heard from many constituents, as well as from citizens across Pennsylvania, regarding concerns with no excuse mail-in voting, drop boxes, and other complicated election operations required to enable no-excuse mail-in voting. Their concerns are that no-excuse mail-in voting has opened our elections up to too many opportunities for confusion and non-uniformity across the Commonwealth.
Every election since the adoption of no-excuse mail-in voting has been riddled with legal battles over which votes should count and which votes should not count, eroding faith in the validity of our electoral process.
Making in-person voting and the traditional absentee voting process the exclusive methods of voting in Pennsylvania can be achieved with a simple amendment to our constitution’s language.
This joint resolution will simply allow the people to decide whether to end, or retain, no-excuse mail-in voting in Pennsylvania. Please join me in co-sponsoring this legislation to let the people decide.