I am reintroducing a bill to ensure customers are not automatically enrolled in high priced, variable rate electric generation supplier plans without their affirmative consent after their fixed duration service contracts expire. A constituent requested this legislation after he was enrolled in an electric generation supplier’s fixed rate plan for a fixed duration through a standard offer program managed by his electric distribution company. He was not aware when this electric generation supplier fixed rate plan was ending, and when the contract expired the electric generation supplier automatically enrolled my constituent through different contract terms and conditions in a variable rate plan without his affirmative consent. This resulted in my constituent paying thousands of dollars more even though he used the same amount of electricity.
I was shocked to find out this is permitted under our law. I am introducing legislation to correct this problem by enrolling customers into utility provided default service when they take no affirmative action to enroll in another electric generation supplier plan at the time their current plan expires.  This legislation will protect consumers who do not receive or do not review end of program notices by returning them to default service unless they make an affirmative choice to remain with their supplier or chose another supplier.  Customers will still retain the choice to have access to the competitive retail market, but if they do nothing at the end of the contract term, they will return to default service.  I believe that at the end of their contract term, if customers prefer to be enrolled in a variable rate plan or other offer by their supplier or any supplier, they should make an affirmative choice rather than an electric generation supplier making that choice for the consumer.
This legislation is supported by the PA Office of Consumer Advocate.
Last session, this bill was introduced as Senate Bill 1128. The following Senators cosponsored the bill: Fontana, Laughlin, Kearney, and Cappelletti.
Please cosponsor this legislation to protect PA electric consumers.