A key barrier to the donation of surplus food from individuals and businesses is the fear of liability if anyone were to fall ill from the donated food. While date labels on food are established by the manufacturer to indicate the best use-by date for purposes of freshness, many potential food donors misinterpret these labels as “expiration dates” or indicators of food safety. In Pennsylvania, the donation of food to nonprofit food recovery organizations is protected from limited civil and criminal liability through the Donated Food Limited Liability Act and a provision in Title 42. However, the donation of foods past their recommended label codes is not explicitly protected from liability.

We will soon re-introduce legislation that would expand the current immunity from civil and criminal liability to explicitly apply to the donation of food that has exceeded the manufacturer’s recommended label code date, but is still fit for human consumption. This clarification will correct the current misconception that donating “past-date” food will place the donor outside of liability protection. It also supports changes made to the current version of the federal Food Code to encourage donation of food that is safe to eat.

By making small changes to the Donated Food Limited Liability Act, this legislation can provide a critical link between surplus food and the over 1.2 million people in Pennsylvania who are food insecure over 325,000 of them being children.

We hope you join us in co-sponsoring this legislation.