Russia’s invasion of Ukraine made clear the devastating consequences of many countries relying on a geopolitical foe for their energy needs. Thankfully, we have the means within our Commonwealth and nation to increase our domestic production to become energy independent here in America and to provide our resources to help power our allies throughout the world.
One of the key ways that we can do so is to allow for the extraction of our oil and gas resources underneath our state lands, which unfortunately has not been possible based on the Governor’s moratorium on new leases. We can do this in a way that preserves our state lands the way they are now in an environmentally conscious manner by requiring that the surface well site be placed outside of state property. The revenue generated from leasing the subsurface rights will create a vital, continuous source of money that will be used to promote and protect our environment in Pennsylvania, but most importantly put us on a path where we as a country are not relying on Russian gas.
Another critical positive of utilizing as much of our own resources as possible is that doing so can help bring down energy prices. The more supply that we create, the lower the prices we all pay should go. As many people still struggle to afford gas for their cars and their home heating and electric bills amidst all the inflation we have been seeing, our government should be doing everything possible to encourage all energy production.
The legislation which I will re-introduce will require the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to establish a program to lease the subsurface rights under state lands for oil and gas development. Please join me in cosponsoring this important and timely legislation to take positive steps towards securing our energy independence.