No. 1345
Session of
1 Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
2 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in budget and finance,
3 providing for retired police dogs; establishing the K-9
4 Retirement Fund; and imposing duties on the Pennsylvania
5 Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
6 The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7 hereby enacts as follows:
8 Section 1. Chapter 35 of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania
9 Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
12 Sec.
13 3591. Definitions.
14 3592. K-9 Retirement Fund.
15 3593. Grants.
16 3594. Reports.
17 3595. Rules and regulations.
18 § 3591. Definitions.
19 The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
1 shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
2 context clearly indicates otherwise:
3 "Applicant." A person that seeks a grant from the fund and:
4 (1) cares or cared for, or is or was otherwise
5 responsible for, a retired police dog; and
6 (2) incurs or incurred expenses for, or is or was
7 otherwise financially responsible for expenses incurred for,
8 the veterinary treatment of the retired police dog.
9 "Commission." The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
10 Delinquency.
11 "Correctional institution." As defined in 61 Pa.C.S. § 102
12 (relating to definitions).
13 "Fund." The K-9 Retirement Fund established under section
14 3592(a) (relating to K-9 Retirement Fund).
15 "Law enforcement agency." Any of the following:
16 (1) The Pennsylvania State Police.
17 (2) A police department of a municipality.
18 (3) Any other entity that employs individuals who, by
19 virtue of their office or public employment, are vested by
20 law with a duty to maintain public order or make arrests for
21 offenses, whether the duty extends to all offenses or is
22 limited to specific offenses.
23 "Municipality." A county, city, borough, incorporated town
24 or township of this Commonwealth.
25 "Practice of veterinary medicine." As defined in section
26 3(10) of the act of December 27, 1974 (P.L.995, No.326), known
27 as the Veterinary Medicine Practice Act.
28 "Retired police dog." A dog that:
29 (1) was previously in the service of or employed by a
30 law enforcement agency or correctional institution in this
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1 Commonwealth for the principal purpose of aiding in the
2 detection of criminal activity, enforcement of laws or
3 apprehension of offenders; and
4 (2) received certification in obedience and apprehension
5 work from a certifying organization, such as the National
6 Police Canine Association, that is recognized by the
7 commission.
8 "Veterinary treatment."
9 (1) Treatment related to the practice of veterinary
10 medicine.
11 (2) The term includes:
12 (i) Annual wellness examinations.
13 (ii) Vaccinations.
14 (iii) Internal and external parasite prevention
15 treatments.
16 (iv) Testing and treatment of illnesses and
17 diseases.
18 (v) The administration and prescribing of
19 medications.
20 (vi) Emergency care and surgeries.
21 (vii) Veterinary oncology or other specialty care.
22 (viii) End-of-life care.
23 (ix) Euthanasia.
24 (x) Cremation.
25 § 3592. K-9 Retirement Fund.
26 (a) Establishment.--The K-9 Retirement Fund is established
27 in the State Treasury.
28 (b) Administration.--The commission shall administer the
29 fund.
30 (c) Purpose.--The commission shall use money in the fund to
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1 provide grants to applicants seeking reimbursement for expenses
2 involving the veterinary treatment of retired police dogs.
3 (d) Money in fund.--Money in the fund and the interest
4 accruing on the money in the fund are appropriated on a
5 continuing basis to the commission for the purpose specified
6 under subsection (c).
7 (e) Fund sources.--The commission may solicit and accept
8 money for the purpose specified under subsection (c), including
9 money appropriated by the General Assembly, Federal money,
10 grants, donations, gifts and other payments from any source,
11 which shall be deposited into the fund.
12 (f) Money to remain in fund.--Any money remaining in the
13 fund at the end of each fiscal year, including interest accruing
14 on the money in the fund, shall not revert to the General Fund
15 but shall remain in the fund.
16 § 3593. Grants.
17 (a) Application.--The commission shall develop an
18 application form for applicants. The following apply:
19 (1) The application form, including deadlines and
20 instructions for submittal, shall be posted on the publicly
21 accessible Internet website of the commission.
22 (2) An applicant shall provide the following information
23 to the commission:
24 (i) The name and contact information of the
25 applicant.
26 (ii) The amount of the grant requested.
27 (iii) The specific veterinary treatment that is the
28 subject of the grant requested. The applicant may request
29 a grant for multiple or ongoing veterinary treatments.
30 (iv) Proof that the applicant:
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1 (A) cares or cared for, or is or was otherwise
2 responsible for, a retired police dog; and
3 (B) is incurring or incurred expenses for, or is
4 or was otherwise financially responsible for expenses
5 incurred for, the veterinary treatment of the retired
6 police dog.
7 (v) Any other information that the commission
8 requires.
9 (b) Determination.--The commission shall determine whether
10 to approve or deny the grant request, in whole or in part.
11 (c) Notice.--Upon making a determination under subsection
12 (b), the commission shall provide written notice of the
13 determination to the applicant. If the grant request is denied
14 in whole or in part, the written notice shall include the reason
15 for the denial.
16 (d) Additional information.--The commission may request
17 additional information from the applicant that may be necessary
18 to process the grant application.
19 (e) Limitations.--
20 (1) Grants shall be disbursed on a first-come, first-
21 served basis determined by the commission and until all money
22 in the fund is exhausted.
23 (2) The commission may set a cap on the amount of a
24 grant.
25 (3) The commission shall implement any necessary policy
26 or procedure to administer the fund.
27 § 3594. Reports.
28 (a) Submittal.--No later than the August 1 that is at least
29 one year after the effective date of this subsection and each
30 August 1 thereafter, the commission shall submit a report on the
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1 fund to the following:
2 (1) The Governor.
3 (2) The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
4 Appropriations Committee of the Senate.
5 (3) The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
6 Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives.
7 (4) The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
8 Judiciary Committee of the Senate.
9 (5) The chairperson and minority chairperson of the
10 Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.
11 (b) Contents.--Each annual report under this section shall
12 include the following:
13 (1) The number of grant applications received.
14 (2) The number of grants awarded.
15 (3) The total amount of grants awarded.
16 (4) The amount of each grant awarded.
17 (5) The purpose or purposes served through the award of
18 each grant.
19 (6) The number of grants denied, in whole or in part,
20 along with the reasons for the denial.
21 (7) The amount remaining in the fund.
22 (8) Any recommendations by the commission to improve the
23 administration of the fund.
24 (c) Posting.--Each annual report under this section shall be
25 posted on the publicly accessible Internet website of the
26 commission.
27 § 3595. Rules and regulations.
28 The commission shall adopt or promulgate any necessary rule
29 or regulation to implement, administer and enforce the
30 provisions of this subchapter.
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1 Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 1986: 42-35