The liver is essential to human health, yet there are many diseases and conditions that cause life-threatening damage to this vital organ. In fact, more than 50,000 people die from liver disease in the U.S. each year, ranking chronic liver disease as the tenth leading cause of death in 2022.
What is especially concerning is while the prevalence of liver disease is growing, specifically nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), many people including young children are unaware that they have it. In fact, 10% of children in the United States suffer from NAFLD which is a dramatic increase in only the last few decades. 
On average children are consuming five times the recommended amount of sugar each day which can affect a developing liver similar to how alcohol affects and adult liver.  A better public understanding of the causes and risk factors associated with liver disease can encourage early screening and diagnosis. Some liver diseases can be managed or even reversed with proper treatment and lifestyle modifications. It’s time we stop allowing this disease to claim so many lives.
Therefore, I intend to introduce a resolution designating October 2024 as “Liver Disease Awareness Month” in Pennsylvania.
I hope you will join me in supporting this important effort.