There are over 2,500 school-based health centers (SBHC) operating in schools nationwide. Of those clinics, which provide mental, preventive care, dietary, and other vital health services directly to students on campus, 33 are based in Pennsylvania as of 2022, impacting over 17,000 students. SBHCs offer an option for improving healthcare access for underserved populations and regions in our state, so we are introducing legislation to standardize these entities.
Throughout our country, states are recognizing the importance of SBHCs. According to the School-Based Health Alliance, at least 17 states require state-funded school-based health centers to meet state operating standards. Based on this action, our legislation defines and develops standards for SBHCs. This will ensure stakeholder interests are met and promote integrating SBHCs into state and local health and education systems.
We ask that you support this legislation to help improve healthcare access across our commonwealth.

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 3658: P.L.30, No.14