In the near future, I intend to introduce a resolution to recognize the month of October 2024 as “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” in this Commonwealth.  Domestic violence is a significant issue in the United States that impacts the lives of millions of people every year.  Indeed, according to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV), one in three women and one in four men will experience domestic violence at some point in their lifetimes. PCADV notes that in 2023 alone, 119 victims died as a result of domestic violence in this Commonwealth.  Of these victims, 54% were killed by a current or former intimate partner.  PCADV estimates that the lifetime economic burden of intimate partner violence in this Commonwealth is $156 billion. 
Acknowledging the prevalence of domestic violence in the United States and this Commonwealth will offer a vital opportunity for the House of Representatives to promote available resources and support systems for victims.  As domestic violence commonly lurks in the shadows and largely remains hidden from the general public, public awareness can empower victims by validating their experiences and encouraging them to report acts of domestic violence to law enforcement before the violence escalates.  This resolution serves as an expression of solidarity with domestic violence survivors and emphasizes that they are not alone in their struggle.  Significantly, this resolution will direct survivors of domestic violence to various resources and support services that can assist in their recovery and safety. 
Please join me in cosponsoring this important resolution to raise awareness about the prevalence of domestic violence and the various support services available in this Commonwealth to prevent future violence and demonstrate your commitment to protecting the safety and wellbeing of your constituents.