In the near future, I plan to introduce a resolution recognizing the United States Space Force’s Birthday, on December 20th.
The U.S. Space Force was established as the sixth military branch of the U.S. Department of Defense on December 20, 2019, when the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act was signed into law. Its mission is to plan, integrate, conduct, and assess global space operations in order to deliver combat relevant space effects, in, from, and to space, for Combatant Commanders, Coalition partners, the Joint Force and the Nation. The U.S. Space Force is spread among its headquarters in Washington, DC and 46 bases and installations located within 18 states and territories, as well as 10 international sites. The more than 14,000 military and civilian personnel who serve in the U.S. Space Force, including about 4,200 enlisted and 4,300 officer men and women, are called Guardians as they secure space dominant for the nation to ensure the United States always has access to the benefits of outer space for security, commerce, and exploration.
Please join me in cosponsoring this Resolution recognizing the U.S. Space Force.