In the near future, I will be introducing a resolution designating October 2024, as “Wine, Wineries and Grapes Month” in Pennsylvania.
Over 330 years ago, William Penn planted a vineyard in what is now Fairmount Park in Philadelphia. Today, Pennsylvania has more than 300 wineries where adult patrons can sample and buy a vast assortment of wines made in the Commonwealth, along with many other national brands of wine. With 280 wine grape growers working approximately 14,000 acres of grape farms in the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania is the fifth largest producer of wine grapes in the nation.
According to a study commissioned by the Pennsylvania Winery Association, the production of grapes for wines and juices contributed a total of approximately $1.5 billion to the state economy annually. The industry has directly created 9,677 jobs with a total payroll of $390 million. Pennsylvania wineries attract 2 million visitors a year and bring an estimated $475 million in tourism expenditures each year.
As you can see, Pennsylvania wines, wineries and grapes are valuable to the state's economy. Please join me in recognizing the significant and invaluable contributions made by the grape and wine industries to this Commonwealth's history, economy and quality of life. Thank you in advance.