No. 2492
Session of
1 Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
2 "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
3 special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
4 primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
5 and defining membership of county boards of elections;
6 imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
7 courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
8 imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
9 revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
10 repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
11 elections," in county boards of elections, further providing
12 for expenses of county boards and of primaries and elections
13 to be paid by county, expenses of special elections and
14 boards to be provided with offices; and, in returns of
15 primaries and elections, further providing for place of
16 meeting for computation of votes, notice, papers to be
17 prepared and assistants to be sworn and for computation of
18 returns by county board, certification and issuance of
19 certificates of election.
20 The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
21 hereby enacts as follows:
22 Section 1. Sections 305(b), 1403(a) and 1404(a) of the act
23 of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania
24 Election Code, are amended to read:
25 Section 305. Expenses of County Boards and of Primaries and
26 Elections to Be Paid by County; Expenses of Special Elections;
1 Boards to Be Provided with Offices.--
2 * * *
3 (b) The county commissioners or other appropriating
4 authorities of the county shall provide the county board with a
5 suitable and adequate office or suitable and adequate offices
6 [at the county seat], located within the county, properly
7 furnished for keeping its records, holding its public sessions
8 and otherwise performing its public duties[, and shall also
9 provide such branch offices for the board in cities other than
10 the county seat], as may be necessary.
11 * * *
12 Section 1403. Place of Meeting for Computation of Votes;
13 Notice; Papers to Be Prepared; Assistants to Be Sworn.--
14 (a) The county board of elections shall arrange for the
15 computation and canvassing of the returns of votes cast at each
16 primary and election at its office or at some other convenient
17 public place [at] in the county [seat] with adequate
18 accommodations for the watchers and attorneys authorized by this
19 act to be present, who shall be permitted to keep or check their
20 own computation of the votes cast in the several election
21 districts as the returns from the same are read, as hereinafter
22 directed. The county board shall give at least one week's
23 previous notice by newspaper publication, as provided by section
24 106 of this act, of the time and place when and where the board
25 will commence and hold its sessions for the computation and
26 canvassing of the returns, including at other offices as
27 provided by section 305 of this act, and keep copies of such
28 advertisement posted in its office during said period. The
29 county board shall also prepare a sufficient number of blank
30 forms of returns made out in proper manner, and headed as the
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1 nature of the primary or election may require, for making out
2 full and fair statements of all votes which shall have been cast
3 within the county or any political district therein, according
4 to the returns from the several election districts thereof, for
5 any person voted for therein, or upon any question voted upon
6 therein. All the clerks of the county board and other persons
7 designated to assist in the computation and canvassing of the
8 votes shall be first sworn to perform their duties impartially
9 and not read, write, count or certify any return or vote falsely
10 or fraudulently.
11 * * *
12 Section 1404. Computation of Returns by County Board;
13 Certification; Issuance of Certificates of Election.--
14 (a) The county board shall, at nine o'clock A. M. on the
15 third day following the primary or election, at its office or at
16 some other convenient public place [at] in the county [seat], of
17 which due notice shall have been given as provided by section
18 1403, publicly commence the computation and canvassing of the
19 returns, and continue the same from day to day until completed,
20 in the manner hereinafter provided. For this purpose any county
21 board may organize itself into sections, each of which may
22 simultaneously proceed with the computation and canvassing of
23 the returns from various districts of the county in the manner
24 provided by this section. Upon the completion of such
25 computation and canvassing, the board shall tabulate the figures
26 for the entire county and sign, announce and attest the same, as
27 required by this section.
28 * * *
29 Section 2. This act shall take effect in one year.
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