No. 2427
Session of
1 Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2 Statutes, in registration of vehicles, further providing for
3 lost, stolen, damaged or illegible registration plate and for
4 use of farm vehicle plates, providing for Pennsylvania
5 Sportsman plate, further providing for Distracted Driving
6 Awareness plate and for special motorcycle plates related to
7 veterans, providing for Operation Inherent Resolve veterans
8 plate, further providing for special plates for veterans,
9 providing for special plates for recipients of Borinqueneers
10 Congressional Gold Medal; and, in fees, further providing for
11 exemption of persons, entities and vehicles from fees.
12 The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
13 hereby enacts as follows:
14 Section 1. Sections 1333(b.1) and 1344(a)(3) of Title 75 of
15 the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:
16 § 1333. Lost, stolen, damaged or illegible registration plate.
17 * * *
18 (b.1) Illegible registration plate.--
19 (1) The department may reissue a registration plate upon
20 request by a registrant when it is determined by an
21 authorized representative of the department or law
22 enforcement that the registration plate is illegible from a
23 reasonable distance. The department may select the style of
1 the reissued registration plate and, except in the case of
2 personal registration plates issued under section 1341
3 (relating to special registration plates), the registration
4 plate number.
5 (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1):
6 (i) The department shall at no cost to the
7 registrant reissue the style of the registration plate
8 under subparagraph (ii) upon request by a registrant when
9 it is determined by an authorized representative of the
10 department or law enforcement that the registration plate
11 is illegible from a reasonable distance.
12 (ii) Subparagraph (i) shall apply to plates issued
13 under:
14 (A) Section 1342 (relating to veteran plates and
15 placard).
16 (B) Section 1345 (relating to special plates for
17 recipients of the Medal of Honor).
18 (C) Section 1346 (relating to special plates for
19 recipients of Purple Heart).
20 (D) Section 1348 (relating to special plates for
21 Pearl Harbor survivors).
22 (E) Section 1350 (relating to special plates for
23 veterans of Korean War).
24 (F) Section 1350.1 (relating to special plates
25 for recipients of Korean Defense Service Medal).
26 (G) Section 1351 (relating to special plates for
27 veterans of Persian Gulf War).
28 (H) Section 1356 (relating to special plates for
29 recipients of Expeditionary Forces Medal).
30 (I) Section 1357 (relating to special plates for
20240HB2427PN3341 - 2 -
1 World War II veterans).
2 (J) Section 1357.1 (relating to special plates
3 for individuals in the service of the United States
4 Merchant Marine).
5 (K) Section 1360 (relating to special plates for
6 veterans of Vietnam Conflict).
7 (L) Section 1361 (relating to special motorcycle
8 plates related to veterans).
9 (M) Section 1362 (relating to Operation Iraqi
10 Freedom veterans plate).
11 (N) Section 1363 (relating to Operation Enduring
12 Freedom veterans plate).
13 (O) Section 1363.1 (relating to Afghanistan and
14 Iraq veterans plate).
15 (P) Section 1364 (relating to special plates for
16 veterans).
17 (Q) Section 1364.1 (relating to special plates
18 for current members of the armed forces of the United
19 States).
20 (R) Section 1365 (relating to Gold Star Family
21 plate).
22 (S) Section 1366 (relating to special plates for
23 recipients of Silver Star).
24 (T) Section 1366.1 (relating to special plates
25 for United States military airborne units).
26 (U) Section 1366.2 (relating to Blue Star Family
27 plate).
28 (V) Section 1366.3 (relating to special plates
29 for recipients of Air Medal).
30 (W) Section 1367 (relating to special plates for
20240HB2427PN3341 - 3 -
1 recipients of Bronze Star).
2 (X) Section 1368 (relating to special plates for
3 recipients of Bronze Star for Valor).
4 (Y) Section 1368.1 (relating to special plates
5 for recipients of Soldier's Medal).
6 (Z) Section 1368.2 (relating to special plates
7 for recipients of Presidential Service Badge).
8 (AA) Section 1368.3 (relating to special plates
9 for recipients of Legion of Merit).
10 (BB) Section 1369 (relating to special plates
11 for recipients of Distinguished Service Cross,
12 Distinguished Flying Cross, Navy Cross or Air Force
13 Cross).
14 (CC) Section 1369.1 (relating to special plates
15 for recipients of Combat Action Badge, Combat
16 Infantryman Badge, Combat Action Ribbon, Combat
17 Action Medal or Combat Medical Badge).
18 (DD) Section 1369.3 (relating to special plates
19 for veterans of an ally foreign country).
20 (EE) Any special plates honoring military
21 service authorized by law that is consistent with
22 this paragraph. The secretary shall transmit notice
23 of any plates under this clause to the Legislative
24 Reference Bureau for publication in the next
25 available issue of the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
26 (iii) A registration plate under subparagraph (ii),
27 reissued under subparagraph (i), that is also a personal
28 registration plate shall be reissued at no cost to the
29 registrant with the same registration plate number unless
30 waived in writing by the registrant.
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1 (3) An individual employed as a staff person in a
2 district office of a member of the Senate or House of
3 Representatives of the Commonwealth shall be an authorized
4 representative of the department for purposes of paragraph
5 (1), if the individual has completed a training program,
6 approved by the department, for making the determination
7 required by paragraph (1), which shall be accompanied by a
8 photograph of the illegible registration plate.
9 * * *
10 § 1344. Use of farm vehicle plates.
11 (a) General rule.--A truck or truck tractor bearing farm
12 vehicle registration plates shall be used exclusively upon a
13 farm or farms owned or operated by the registrant of the vehicle
14 or upon highways between:
15 * * *
16 (3) Such a farm or farms and a place of business or
17 place of residence for the purpose of buying or selling
18 agricultural commodities or supplies[.], regardless of
19 whether the vehicle is operated by the registrant of the
20 vehicle or an employee of the registrant of the vehicle.
21 * * *
22 Section 2. Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
23 § 1355.2. Pennsylvania Sportsman plate.
24 (a) Design.--No later than 60 days after the effective date
25 of this section, the department, in consultation with the
26 Pennsylvania Game Commission and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat
27 Commission, shall design a special Pennsylvania Sportsman
28 registration plate.
29 (b) Application.--Upon application by any person and payment
30 of a $40 fee, which shall be in addition to the registration
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1 fee, the department shall issue a Pennsylvania Sportsman
2 registration plate to the person.
3 (c) Limitation on gross weight.--The special registration
4 plate may be used only on a passenger car or truck with a
5 registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds.
6 (d) Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account.--
7 (1) The Youth Hunting and Fishing Restricted Account is
8 established in the State Treasury. The money in the
9 restricted account is appropriated on a continuing basis to
10 the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Pennsylvania Fish and
11 Boat Commission as provided under this subsection.
12 (2) The sum of $14 of each fee collected under
13 subsection (b) shall be deposited in the Youth Hunting and
14 Fishing Restricted Account.
15 (3) The money in the Youth Hunting and Fishing
16 Restricted Account shall be allocated as follows:
17 (i) Fifty percent of the money in the restricted
18 account shall be allocated to the Pennsylvania Game
19 Commission for the purpose of conducting activities that
20 promote youth hunter education.
21 (ii) Fifty percent of the money in the restricted
22 account shall be allocated to the Pennsylvania Fish and
23 Boat Commission for the purpose of conducting activities
24 that promote youth fishing education.
25 (4) The Pennsylvania Game Commission and the
26 Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission may not use money
27 allocated to them under this subsection for salaries or
28 administrative expenses.
29 Section 3. Sections 1358.2(b) and 1361 of Title 75 are
30 amended to read:
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1 § 1358.2. Distracted Driving Awareness plate.
2 * * *
3 [(b) Expiration.--This section shall expire December 31,
4 2025.]
5 § 1361. Special motorcycle plates related to veterans.
6 (a) [Honorably discharged veterans.--Upon application of any
7 person who is an honorably discharged veteran of the armed
8 forces of the United States, or a reserve component of the armed
9 forces as defined in 51 Pa.C.S. § 7301 (relating to
10 definitions), accompanied by a fee of $20] Veterans.--Upon
11 application of any person who is a veteran as defined under 51
12 Pa.C.S. § 7101.2 (relating to definitions), accompanied by a fee
13 of $26 which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee
14 and by such documentation as the department shall require, the
15 department shall issue to the person a special registration
16 plate designating the vehicle as belonging to a person who is a
17 veteran. The special registration plate may be used only on a
18 motorcycle.
19 (a.1) Women veterans.--Upon application of any woman who is
20 a veteran as defined under 51 Pa.C.S. § 7101.2, accompanied by a
21 fee of $26 which shall be in addition to the annual registration
22 fee and by such documentation as the department shall require,
23 the department shall issue to the person a special registration
24 plate designating the vehicle as belonging to a person who is a
25 woman veteran. The special registration plate may be used only
26 on a motorcycle.
27 (b) Honoring our veterans.--Upon application of any person,
28 accompanied by a fee of $35 which shall be in addition to the
29 annual registration fee and by such documentation as the
30 department shall require, the department shall issue to the
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1 person a special registration plate designating the motorcycle
2 as belonging to a person who is honoring veterans of the armed
3 forces of the United States. The special registration plate may
4 be used only on a motorcycle. The Veterans' Trust Fund shall
5 receive $15 of the fee paid by the applicant for the plate.
6 (c) Honoring our women veterans.--Upon application of any
7 person, accompanied by a fee of $41, which shall be in addition
8 to the annual registration fee and by such documentation as the
9 department shall require, the department shall issue to the
10 person a special registration plate designating the vehicle as
11 belonging to a person who is honoring women veterans of the
12 armed forces of the United States. The special registration
13 plate may be used only on a motorcycle. The Veterans' Trust Fund
14 shall receive $15 of the fee paid by the applicant for the
15 plate. The portion of the fee transferred to the Veterans' Trust
16 Fund under this subsection shall be used for programs and
17 resources that assist women veterans.
18 Section 4. Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
19 § 1362.1. Operation Inherent Resolve veterans plate.
20 Upon application of any person who is a veteran of the
21 military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the
22 Levant, which encompasses campaigns in Iraq, Syria and Libya,
23 accompanied by a fee of $26 which shall be in addition to the
24 registration fee and by documentation as the department shall
25 require, the department shall issue to the person a special
26 registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed as
27 belonging to a person who is a veteran of Operation Inherent
28 Resolve. The special registration plate may be used only on a
29 passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of not
30 more than 14,000 pounds.
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1 Section 5. Section 1364(a) of Title 75 is amended and the
2 section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
3 § 1364. Special plates for veterans.
4 (a) [Honorably discharged veterans.--Upon application of any
5 person who is an honorably discharged veteran of the armed
6 forces of the United States or a reserve component of the armed
7 forces as defined in 51 Pa.C.S. § 7301 (relating to
8 definitions), accompanied by a fee of $20] Veterans.--Upon
9 application of any person who is a veteran as defined under 51
10 Pa.C.S. § 7101.2 (relating to definitions), accompanied by a fee
11 of $26 which shall be in addition to the annual registration fee
12 and by such documentation as the department shall require, the
13 department shall issue to the person a special registration
14 plate designating the vehicle as belonging to a person who is a
15 veteran [of the armed forces of the United States]. The special
16 registration plate may be used only on a passenger car or truck
17 with a registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds.
18 (a.1) Women veterans.--Upon application of any woman who is
19 a veteran as defined under 51 Pa.C.S. § 7101.2, accompanied by a
20 fee of $26 which shall be in addition to the annual registration
21 fee and by such documentation as the department shall require,
22 the department shall issue to the person a special registration
23 plate designating the vehicle as belonging to a person who is a
24 woman veteran. The special registration plate may be used only
25 on a passenger car or truck with a registered gross weight of
26 not more than 14,000 pounds.
27 * * *
28 Section 6. Title 75 is amended by adding a section to read:
29 § 1368.4. Special plates for recipients of Borinqueneers
30 Congressional Gold Medal.
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1 (a) Issuance.--Upon application of a person who is a
2 recipient of the Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal,
3 accompanied by a fee of $26 which shall be in addition to the
4 annual registration fee and any documentation the department
5 requires, the department shall issue to the person a special
6 registration plate designating the vehicle so licensed as
7 belonging to a person who is a recipient of the Borinqueneers
8 Congressional Gold Medal.
9 (b) Limitation.--A special registration plate under this
10 section may be used only on a passenger car or truck with a
11 registered gross weight of not more than 14,000 pounds.
12 (c) Design.--The department shall design and produce the
13 special registration plate under this section to display the
14 Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal emblem and the words
15 "Borinqueneers Congressional Gold Medal" at the bottom of each
16 plate. Each special registration plate under this section that
17 is not personalized shall also include the letter "B" as a
18 prefix or suffix to the numerals on the special registration
19 plate.
20 Section 7. Section 1901(c) and (d)(2) of Title 75 are
21 amended and subsection (b) is amended by adding paragraphs to
22 read:
23 § 1901. Exemption of persons, entities and vehicles from fees.
24 * * *
25 (b) Title and registration fees.--No fee shall be charged
26 for titling or registration of any of the fo