For six years, residents of the Commonwealth with medical needs have had access to cannabis through the state’s medical marijuana program. While that program has remained robust, many of our neighboring states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. One of the most recent, Ohio, is primed to open their market with the lion’s share of their licenses perched on the border of Pennsylvania as they seek to take capture Pennsylvania dollars into their market.
Accordingly, we believe that now is the time for Pennsylvania to move in a similar direction and our bill establishes strong tenets for an adult-use market.
Specifically, this bill:
We hope this bill will act as a strong starting point for discussions around legalizing adult-use cannabis in a thoughtful and strategic way. Please join us in cosponsoring this important piece of legislation.

Bill language is attached. 

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 3636: P.L.6, No.2