Pennsylvania has joined several interstate licensing compacts and is poised to join numerous others.  Interstate compacts provide flexibility for trained professionals to practice where they want and where they are needed.  They support the mobility of military families and improve continuity of care when patients or providers relocate.
State licensing boards and commissions are tasked with implementing these multistate licenses, which allow licensees to practice in their home state as well as other states that join the compact.  After a years-long delay in implementing licensure compacts, we cannot afford to wait longer than necessary to provide compact licenses to qualified applicants.
That’s why I plan to introduce legislation to give licensing boards the agility they need to get compacts up and running in a timely manner.  My bill will grant boards that are subject to an interstate licensure compact the power to promulgate temporary rules for compact implementation. 
Licensing boards would still be required to use the full regulatory process to establish permanent guidelines.  Temporary regulations promulgated under this legislation would expire after three years. 
Please join me in ensuring that Pennsylvania’s working professionals and military families have timely access to interstate compact licenses.