No. 1223
Session of
1 Authorizing the Department of General Services, with the
2 approval of the Department of Human Services and the
3 Governor, to grant and convey to the University of Pittsburgh
4 a certain permanent easement through and across lands of the
5 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the City of Pittsburgh,
6 Allegheny County, and to accept from the University of
7 Pittsburgh a certain permanent easement through and across
8 lands of the University of Pittsburgh in the City of
9 Pittsburgh, Allegheny County.
10 The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
11 hereby enacts as follows:
12 Section 1. Conveyance in City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County.
13 (a) Authorization.--The Department of General Services, with
14 the approval of the Department of Human Services and the
15 Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of
16 Pennsylvania to grant and convey a permanent easement from the
17 grounds of the Western Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute,
18 situate in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, to the
19 University of Pittsburgh for purposes of the construction, use,
20 maintenance, inspection, repair and replacement of certain
21 improvements made by the University of Pittsburgh as part of
22 building projects on adjoining University of Pittsburgh
1 property.
2 (b) Property description.--The easement area to be conveyed
3 in accordance with subsection (a) consists of the following:
4 ALL THAT CERTAIN easement area, situate in the 4th Ward, City
5 of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny, more particularly bounded
6 and described as follows:
7 Beginning at a point on the line dividing lands now or
8 formerly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and lands now or
9 formerly of the University of Pittsburgh, said point being the
10 following two (2) courses and distances from a point common to
11 the line dividing lands now or formerly of the Commonwealth of
12 Pennsylvania and lands now or formerly of the University of
13 Pittsburgh, at the intersection of the northeasterly right of
14 way line of Desoto Street, 60.00 feet wide, and the
15 northwesterly right of way line of Terrace Street, 60.00 feet
16 wide:
17 N 37° 53' 05" E a distance of 50.00 feet;
18 N 10' 55' 55" E a distance of 89.85 feet, to the point of
19 beginning;
20 thence from said point of beginning by the line dividing
21 lands now or formerly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
22 lands now or formerly of the University of Pittsburgh N 55° 10'
23 55" E a distance of 104.96 feet to a point; thence continuing by
24 same S 43° 31' 15" E a distance of 58.53 feet to a point; thence
25 by a line through lands now or formerly of the Commonwealth of
26 Pennsylvania the following four (4) courses and distances:
27 S 82° 30' 41" W a distance of 42.72 feet;
28 N 43° 31' 15" W a distance of 73.88 feet;
29 S 46° 59' 12" W a distance of 64.42 feet;
30 N 72° 17' 25" W a distance of 23.38 feet to a point on the
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1 line dividing lands now or formerly of the Commonwealth of
2 Pennsylvania and lands now or formerly of the University of
3 Pittsburgh, at the point of beginning.
4 Containing 3006 square feet, more or less.
5 Being a portion of Tax Parcel Number: Block 27-P, Lot 90.
6 (c) Acceptance.--The Department of General Services, with
7 the approval of the Department of Human Services and the
8 Governor, is hereby authorized on behalf of the Commonwealth of
9 Pennsylvania to accept a permanent easement from the University
10 of Pittsburgh, situate in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny
11 County, for purposes of the construction, use, maintenance,
12 inspection, repair and replacement of a retaining wall partly
13 located on lands of the University of Pittsburgh, to benefit the
14 Western Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, for $1 and on such
15 other terms and conditions to be set forth in an easement
16 agreement.
17 (d) Easement area.--The easement area to be accepted in
18 accordance with subsection (c) consists of the following:
19 ALL THAT CERTAIN easement area, situate in the 4th Ward, City
20 of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, more particularly
21 bound and described as follows:
22 Beginning at a point on the line dividing lands now or
23 formerly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and lands now or
24 formerly of the University of Pittsburgh, said point being the
25 following two (2) courses and distances from a point common to
26 the line dividing lands now or formerly of the Commonwealth of
27 Pennsylvania and lands now or formerly of the University of
28 Pittsburgh, at the intersection of the northeasterly right of
29 way line of Desoto Street, 60.00 feet wide, and the
30 northwesterly right of way line of Terrace Street, 60.00 feet
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1 wide:
2 N 37° 53' 05" E a distance of 50.00 feet;
3 N 55° 10' 55" E a distance of 89.85 feet, to the point of
4 beginning;
5 thence from said point of beginning by a line through lands
6 now or formerly of the University of Pittsburgh the following
7 three (3) courses and distances:
8 N 30° 13' 12" W a distance of 14.21 feet;
9 N 59° 46' 48" E a distance of 68.48 feet; to a point of
10 curvature;
11 in an easterly direction by a curve bearing to the right
12 having a radius of 31.00 feet through an arc distance of 37.88
13 feet to a point on the line dividing lands now or formerly of
14 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and lands now or formerly of
15 the University of Pittsburgh;
16 thence by the line dividing lands now or formerly of the
17 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and lands now or formerly of the
18 University of Pittsburgh S 55° 10' 55" W a distance of 97.80
19 feet to a point, at the point of the beginning.
20 Containing 1,527 square feet, more or less.
21 Being a portion of Tax Parcel Number: Block 27-P, Lot 80-0-3.
22 (e) Easement agreements.--The easement agreements to be
23 executed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania under this section
24 shall be executed by the Secretary of General Services in the
25 name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
26 Section 2. Effective date.
27 This act shall take effect immediately.
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