Under the Commonwealth’s version of Megan’s Law, sex offenders are required to register with the Commonwealth and provide periodic updates and filings. This information is used to prepare a publicly available Internet website, which helps protect the public when these offenders are released from prison. The most recent data available shows more than 45,000 sex offenders are registered.
Costs of administering Megan’s Law, including the management and maintenance of the website, are borne by the Commonwealth taxpayers and federal grants.
Under my legislation, sex offenders who are required to register under Megan’s Law would be required to pay an annual fee to offset the taxpayers’ costs. The revenue from the fee would be set aside to pay for the costs incurred in maintaining the website and administering Megan’s Law.
Please join me as a co-sponsor of legislation to require those individuals who are required to register as sex offenders to bear the costs associated with Megan’s Law.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 3299: 42-9799.15, 42-9799.55