In the near future, I intend to introduce legislation to enable the optimization of operations of the Department of State and its professional licensing boards and commissions which require continuing education for licensed professionals.  


Regulatory agencies and departments across the country face time-consuming challenges in their day-to-day operations when carrying out core operational duties. Most notably, the delays in issuing both initial and renewal licenses for professionals have an impact on credentialing for professionals. The Commonwealth is no different than other states in facing staffing issues, limited resources, and outdated processes. These challenges result in setbacks across the board: issues with customer service during peak renewal season, inability to renew licenses timely, as well as difficulty and delays in conducting continuing education audits. 


My legislation will establish clear statutory authority for the Department of State to modernize and verify professional continuing education compliance through the establishment of a required continuing education tracking system that brings licensees, boards and continuing education providers together in one universally accessible platform.  


Further, this legislation will increase constituent access to digital government services, increase transparency and create a simplified experience for licensed professionals, which will ultimately reduce licensing burdens. Ultimately, this legislation will increase efficiencies and streamline processes which will save time and costs.  


This legislation is an opportunity for the Commonwealth to join other states and be a leader in continuing education modernization, while working to address the state’s licensure system. It brings much needed transparency and operability to a core function of the Department, all while improving processes and increasing quality and productivity in digital government services. 


I hope you will join me in co-sponsoring this important legislation that supports innovation. If you have questions, please contact Gregory Beckenbaugh at