In the near future, I plan to introduce legislation to provide a path toward reducing utility bills.
A primary concern I hear about is the cost of utilities. While there are mechanisms in place to regulate utility rates and keep them within reason, the costs continue to increase because of a variety of factors.
One of the things we can do to help lower bills is to allow the public utilities to seek waivers from laws and regulations that have unnecessary cost implications. My legislation will allow a public utility to petition the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) for relief from a law, regulation, or policy statement under the PUC’s jurisdiction if the utility can show it will reduce ratepayer impact to operate in a more effective, efficient, and economical manner.
The utility must provide supporting data and information to the PUC explaining the benefit obtained from the waiver and how it will save costs or avoid future ratepayer impacts. As every utility operates differently, this will give each of them an opportunity to do what works best for them, with the ultimate goal of reducing utility bills moving forward.
Please join me in spearheading this innovative opportunity to provide real cost savings to ratepayers.