In the near future, I plan on introducing legislation providing for the electronic recording of certain custodial interrogations.  This legislation has been developed by the Uniform Law Commission and has already been enacted by several states, including neighboring Delaware.   

Other contiguous states have also voluntarily or statutorily enacted video interrogation.  New York, New Jersey and Maryland have either enacted legislation or voluntarily opted to provide for video interrogations.  In addition, numerous law enforcement agencies in Pennsylvania have departmental policies relative to this practice and are already utilizing video for certain types of interrogations.   

As such, I believe it is time that we enact this legislation in Pennsylvania. 

The Uniform Electronic Recordation of Custodial Interrogations Act requires law enforcement to electronically record a custodial interrogation when the interrogation relates to a crime of violence allegedly committed by an adult or a minor, unless a legitimate exception exists.  

Please join me in cosponsoring this legislation to assist both the accused and law enforcement to fairly and accurately administer justice in the Commonwealth.   

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 2985: