A national publication recently published and article titled, Liquor Regulators Are Seeking Revenge on Bars That Broke Pandemic Rules. The article details how the PLCB is punishing license holders today for violations of COVID restrictions during the pandemic. In response to questioning by Sen. Philllips-Hill, PLCB Chairman Holden and Board Member Vulakovich confirmed at a recent budget hearing that the Board was using the license renewal process to ensure that license holders faced “consequences” for COVID related infractions. Those consequences have included the issuance of conditional licenses, which come with higher insurance premiums, or the required sale of a liquor license.

Business owners of all types were put in an impossible situation during pandemic and it’s time for the PLCB to move on.

To facilitate that process, we will be introducing legislation to expunge COVID-related citations from the record of liquor license holders. Pennsylvania businesses suffered enough during COVID; continuing to punish them today or in the future isn’t in anyone’s best interest.

We hope you will join us in sponsoring this important legislation.

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 1748: P.L.90, No.21