In the near future, we plan to introduce a resolution recognizing the first week of February 2024 as "Gun Violence Survivors Week” in Pennsylvania.
Recognizing Gun Violence Survivors Week shines a light on gun violence as a major public health issue in our communities. According to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, shootings (intentional and unintentional) occur every day in communities across the Commonwealth. Most shooting victims survive their physical injuries. For every firearm-related death, two more survive. A 2022 study by Everytown for Gun Safety found that:  
One gun violence survivor describes their experience as, “…dealing with the inconsistencies of healing, both physically and emotionally. The existence of being this gray person in a world where everyone else sees everything as black and white. I’m either completely fine and it’s over and done, or I’m this wounded person who can never be functional—the lack of understanding that I am not really either, but some days may be one or the other….”

Please join us in co-sponsoring this resolution to recognize February 1 – 7, 2024, as “Gun Violence Survivors Week” in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.