Community Solar. The term’s been around for awhile now. Several members have introduced bills on this very topic for nearly a decade.

The concept is something that most agree is beneficial. We know that solar energy reduces the load on the grid while lowering electric bills. But many residents - who would like to enjoy the benefits of solar - can’t do it on an individual basis, for a myriad of reasons. So, the idea is to provide a mechanism for targeted solar projects in communities that want them. People subscribe, save money, and the grid benefits. What’s not to like?

As with any worthwhile idea, the journey from concept to completion is rarely easy. And that’s what we’ve seen with Community Solar. Various ideas, all with positives, have been vetted. Despite our best efforts, we are at a standstill. I believe it’s time for a fresh approach.

I will be introducing legislation that will set a framework for communities to reap the benefits of solar energy more easily, but not on the backs of those ratepayers who choose not to opt in. That, in my opinion, has been the biggest challenge so far. I’m working on a way to overcome that. I hope you’ll join me.