In the near future, we plan to introduce legislation that will provide much-needed enhancements to Pennsylvania’s Breach of Personal Information Act, providing for access to free credit reports and monitoring in the event of a data breach.
As we all know, an unfortunate consequence of new, ever-changing technology is the increased risk of cybercrimes. Such threats pose serious, devastating risks to the individuals affected, including identity theft and loss of wealth. These risks are compounded when an individual’s personal information is stolen during a data breach at a business or organization, through no fault of their own.
Our legislation amends the Breach of Personal Information Notification Act by requiring businesses and organizations to notifying the Attorney General when a data breach impacts more than 500 individuals. Those affected will be offered access to a free credit report once a month for a period of six months following notification and credit monitoring services for one year.
Victims of cybercrimes are already dealing with emotional and financial hardship. They need to have services in place not only to monitor their financial accounts and credit, but also to restore their peace of mind. Having access to and paying for those services should not be a concern.
We hope you will join us in cosponsoring this worthwhile legislation that will help Pennsylvania families monitor and recover from data breaches. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Szuchyt in my office.

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 0899: P.L.474, No.94
Printer's No. 1100: P.L.474, No.94, P.L.474, NO.94
Printer's No. 1151: P.L.474, No.94