Through no fault of their own, tenants may find themselves without housing when their rental buildings fall into disrepair and face condemnation. When a landlord has failed to maintain necessary upkeep of a rental property, tenants are left to suffer with unsatisfactory living conditions that could harm their health and the potential to be forced to relocate. There is often great stress for the tenant when relocating, not only financial costs of moving belongings and finding comparable housing, but also emotional stress of experiencing the loss of a home and the pressure to relocate in a short timeframe. It should be the responsibility of the landlord, when the landlord is at fault, to assist tenants with the burden of relocation. However, a landlord is not obligated to help tenants with the costs and stress of relocation.
For this reason, I am introducing legislation that would require a landlord to pay a permanently displaced tenant a relocation payment equal to six months’ rent paid by the tenant if the rental property has code violations that require the condemnation of the property, or the property is deemed unfit for human habitation. A landlord would also be obligated to pay a temporarily displaced tenant with a relocation payment equal to one months’ rent and provide alternative, temporary housing. Moreover, this bill would amend existing law to clearly state that it is the duty of a landlord to provide a tenant safe, clean and habitable housing.
All individuals should have a right to safe housing and protection when that type of housing is taken from them through no fault of their own. Please join me in helping tenants relocate to safe, clean and habitable housing.

Statutes/Laws affected:
Printer's No. 1808: P.L.69, No.20
Printer's No. 2724: P.L.69, No.20