In the near future, I plan to introduce legislation to expand the use of mechanical insulation for existing energy efficiency and conservation programs.
Mechanical insulation is used to insulate equipment or processes unlike building insulation which is used in walls and roofs. Insulating and jacketing specific mechanical systems results in reduced energy use, reduced energy cost, enhances performance and provides added safety benefits.
Act 129 of 2008, requires electric distribution companies to complete an energy efficiency and conservation plan. This plan must be approved by the Public Utility Commission (PUC).  As part of that process, the PUC approves cost-effective plans in reducing energy consumption.  Mechanical insulation is a currently recognized interim measure protocol and incorporated into the Technical Resource Manual (TRM).
This legislation would expand upon that development by ensuring that all uses of mechanical insulation would be approved for Act 129 programs. This will eliminate the need to wait for the TRM to be fully reopened. Further, this would permanently ensure that mechanical insulation qualifies under Act 129 and avoids the need for the periodic review by the PUC.
Please join me in co-sponsoring this legislation.
Statutes/Laws affected: Printer's No. 0526: 66-2806.1(e)(2)
Printer's No. 1772: 66-2806.1(e)(2)